Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Personal Note

On a personal note, the semester is finally over. Looking back on it I can say that I've accomplished quite a bit. I've learned ASP.NET, SQL Server, AJAX, CSS, and DOM concepts. I began (and will continue) to write a blog. I've established a GoogleReader account, a Digg Account, a GoogleSite, a GoogleGroup, and pretty much everything else Google. And of course I've learned far too much about the cloud.

I'm not sure why but this was the hardest semester so far. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the course work but a combination of the following factors:

A) Its summer and especially hard to be locked up in class on Saturdays.
B) Its the third straight semester (or almost one full year complete) and the tank is running on "E".
C) I took on a new role at my company and was doing a job transition.

I'm going to keep writing this blog. Great place to capture all of my ideas and thoughts on technology.

I'm on a much needed vacation next week, so no posts then. But will be back on shortly after. In addition, I may start another blog to capture the progress of our Capstone Project.

More on that later...

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