I post this article with the utmost respect for my generation. However, this is ridiculous.
Turns out that certain members of my generation are actually quitting their jobs because they don't have access to Facebook. You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me.
Grow up. 39% of responders to this survey said they would consider leaving their job if they didn't have access to Facebook.
This says to me that 39% of responders are getting a bad rating on their performance evaluation.
For everyone reading this, I'd like to apologize for those 39% of the people. Their resume will be on your desk in a manner of months. To save you the suspense, here is how it will work out.
Manager: "Do you have any questions about the positions?"
Candidate: "Do you block Facebook on your corporate network?"
Manager: {dumb founded}
Funny and yet so sad!
OMG! Not surprised. That was hilarious.
And to think... in Saturday's class people thought it was wrong for an employer to look at a Myspace page and yet people expect to be able to access it from work? As a manager, this is unbelievable, yet not surprised at all.
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